Thoughts On 300

Today marks 300 days quit for me, and I really want to share my thoughts about it. First off the freedom seems extra special today but that is not what I will remember about today. I have had a hard time getting excited as I’ve hit the Hall of Fame, and the 2nd floor but today feels really great, but that is not what I will remember either. I tell many people on milestone days that “one day at a time is what works for us, but milestones are there for a reason, you should reflect and celebrate” that is what I am doing today but I won’t remember my milestone for that reason either.

What I will remember about today is waking up and not even remembering today was a milestone until I clicked on my phone. There were several texts from fellow quitters, an email from a brother that has been there for me since day one, all congratulating me. Then as I have done every morning for 300 days I got on line and went straight to my October 2011 quit group to post my promise for the day. There were so many posts in roll supporting and celebrating my 300th day that between that and waking to messages from good friends I have made at KTC I was actually overwhelmed with emotions.

What has really hit me about that, is the power of this community. I have said many times I tried to quit on my own, I couldn’t do it, but now I don’t have to because I am not alone. To all of you that are part of this site, thank you. To anyone that questions if they can
quit, if I can do it so can you. To anyone that questions whether what we do at KTC works, the overwhelming answer is yes.

The thing I will remember about today is I am not alone, I have support from all over, and as I have heard many times in 300 days, “you cannot buy the kind of support you get here” no truer words have ever been spoken. I am proud to quit with all of KTC today, and every other day.


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