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How Can I Blog Here?
If you’re a member of the forums located at then this is YOUR blog.  Simply contact us or post a message in the Quit4Today thread on the forums and let us know what your screename is and we’ll take care of the rest.

What Can I Blog About?
Anything you want.  This is YOUR blog so feel free to blog about anything you want.  Naturally the majority of posts here will have to do with quitting smokeless tobacco but they don’t need to be limited to that.  Weight loss, love, jobs, etc.  All of these things whether you know it or not are part of your quit… blog away!
Please use common sense when writing.  Don’t write anything here that you wouldn’t write on your own blog. and reserve the right to remove content at any time.

Are There Any Guidelines?
See above, but not really.  Write about what you want to write about.  Aside from not being an idiot, the only thing we ask is that you sign every post with the number of days you’ve been quit.  Why you ask?  As you may know, has a page entitled What To Expect When You Quit Dipping.  One of the ideas behind this blog is to not only reinforce that list but also to build out that list further.

How Is This Different Than The Blog?
The blog at ( will be used to talk about specific site information, products, reviews, daily roll call and quit news.  The blog(s) here at are by quitters about quitters.  It’s whatever YOU want to blog about.

Why Did You Start This?
We’ve been asked on numerous occasions by our membership to provide member blogs.  Additionally, we have an Introductions thread on the forums which people use to introduce themselves.  Quite often, people want to keep a “journal” of sorts of their quit and there really isn’t a great place to do it… now there is.

How Do I Upload An Icon?
The icons/avatars on the site are actually pulled from a website called Gravatar: Essentially, Gravatar gives you a Global Avatar that is associated with your email address.

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