Success comes in Cans.
If you’re an athlete, or a coach you may have heard this before: Success comes in ‘Cans’, NOT ‘can’ts’.
Here are few things I can do:
I can post roll today.
I can keep my word.
I can come back tomorrow.
I can mow the lawn without a dip.
I can change the oil in my car without a dip.
I can pay at the pump instead of going into the C-Store.
I can call my quit brother when I have a crave.
I can look my wife in the eye and KNOW I am not lying to her.
I can play ball with my kids because I’m not hiding out to have a dip.
I can spend time with my family.
I can kiss my wife without fear that “She’ll know”.
I can stay quit for the next 5 minutes because the craving is so bad I want to pull my eyes out.
I can rage in the forums rather than scream at my kids.
I can taste food better.
I can call my dentist and keep that appointment.
I can help another quitter that’s having a bad day.
I can……
Well? What CAN you do?
Once again, Sir NOLAQ has nailed it. Well done sir! I CAN quit today!