Day 1 For Chewie
First off… no no no no no. I did not cave. I’m clean now for 1,564 days and I intend to keep it that way. I’m quit. I don’t do that any more. Period end of fucking story.
Now that I’ve got that out of the way, here’s the beef of this particular post. I mentioned in a past post that it was time for me to get my ass back into shape. It took me a couple of weeks but as of this morning… I’m ready. I started my new routine this AM and Christ… already I’m sore 😉 I won’t bore you with the details of particular workouts and eating habits, but suffice to say it’s just as “Xtreme” as the quitters on the forum.
I got a great piece of advice recently from a very good friend from QSX. He told me to treat my weight loss just like I treated my quit. Day by day, week by week. Thanks my man… I appreciate it and I hear you.
So, here’s to a brand new Day 1 for Chewie. I can’t wait to meet the new me.
Chewie – Day 1,564
Think I’ll join you. My ass is getting a little big and out of shape.